
2018 marks the beginning of print-publication of the Sarum Rite.  These books omit the end-notes of the scholarly editions and are designed to facilitate performance and study.  Proceeds from sales will be used to further the Sarum Rite project.  All of the original material will remain freely available online.

Now available:
The following books are currently available from LULU (, Amazon (,,, and Barnes and Noble (  NOTE The best price is normally at–and profits form this outlet are returned to the Sarum Rite project for further research and development.

The entire Sarum Office is now available in print form:
Matins, 7 vols; Diurnal, 3 vols; Vespers, 3 vols; Compline, 1 vol. (total 6200 pages)

Sarum Matins Latin, in seven volumes (2023):

I-A, I-B, I-C: Temporale: three volumes containing all the proper music and texts for Matins throughout the year.  II: Psalterium: containing all the ordinary music and texts for Matins throughout the year, including Matins of the Blessed Virgin, the Common of Saints, and the Common Tones.  III-A, III-B, III-C: Sanctorale: containing all the proper music and texts for Matins of the Feasts of Saints throughout the year.  Indices appear at the end of volumes I-C, II, and III-C.

I: Temporale Fascicule A (478 pp)    I: Temporale Fascicule B (454 pp)   I Temporale Fascicule C (394 pp)

ISBN 978-1-7771413-5-6     ISBN 978-1-7771413-6-3      ISBN 978-1-7771413-7-0


II: Psalterium (536 pp) ISBN 978-1-7771413-8-7

III: Sanctorale Fascicule A (504 pp)  III: Sanctorale Fascicule B (432 pp)  III: Sanctorale Fascicule C (502 pp)

ISBN 978-1-7771413-9-4     ISBN 978-1-7388431-0-7      ISBN 978-1-7388431-1-4


Sarum Gradual Latin, in three volumes (2021):

I: Temporale contains all the proper music and texts for the Mass on Sundays and ferias throughout the year.  II: Commune sanctorum et Kyriale contains all the chants for the common of saints and for the ordinary of the mass, as well as the common tones of the mass.  III: Sanctorale et misse votive contains all the proper chants for feasts of saints throughout the year and for votive masses, including the requiem mass.

I: Temporale (574 pp)   II: Commune sanctorum et Kyriale (262 pp)   III: Sanctorale et Misse votive (452 pp)
ISBN 978-1-7771413-3-2     ISBN 978-1-7771413-3-2      ISBN 978-1-7771413-4-9
more info . . .                                   more info . . .                             more info . . .


Sample pages

Sarum Diurnal Latin, in three volumes (2020):

I: Temporale contains all the proper music and texts for Lauds, Prime, Terce, Sext and None throughout the year.  II: Psalterium contains all the ordinary music and texts for the day offices, including the Chapter office, the Pentiential psalms, the Litany, the Full Service of the Blessed Virgin and the daily service of the Blessed Virgin, Matins and Lauds of the Dead, the Commendation of Souls, the Common of Saints, and the Common Tones.  III: Sanctorale contains all the proper music and texts for the day hours of feasts of saints throughout the year.

I: Temporale (512 pp)         II: Psalterium (534 pp)            III: Sanctorale (474 pp)
ISBN 978-1-7752999-6-7   ISBN 978-1-7752999-7-4     ISBN 978-1-7752999-8-1
more info . . .                            more info . . .                           more info . . .


Sarum Vespers Latin, in three volumes (2019):

I: Temporale contains all the proper music and texts for Vespers throughout the year.  II: Psalterium contains all the ordinary music and texts for Vespers throughout the year, including Vespers of the Blessed Virgin, Vigils of the Dead, the Common of Saints, and the Common Tones.  III: Sanctorale contains all the proper music and texts for Vespers of the Feasts of Saints throughout the year.

I: Temporale  (464 pp)            II: Psalterium (320 pp)            III: Sanctorale (500 pp)
ISBN 978-1-7752999-4-3   ISBN 978-1-7752999-3-6     ISBN 978-1-7752999-5-0
more info . . .                              more info . . .                                more info . . .


Sarum Compline, Second Edition (2020)

The Second Edition of Sarum Compline (Latin, BCP English, and D-R English) is now available.  This Second Edition, besides correcting several typos, also includes Daily Compline of the Blessed Virgin, the Antiphons of the Virgin, and the Blessing by the Bishop of the Boys on the Eve of the Holy Innocents, as well as table of contents and indices.

Sarum Compline: Latin (Second Edition, 2020) ISBN 978-1-77529-999-8 (96 pp)
This volume presents all of the text, music, and rubrics for the observance of Compline throughout the year in the original Latin.  More info . . .

Sarum Compline: BCP English (Second Edition, 2020) ISBN 978-1-77714-130-1 (102 pp)
This volume presents all of the text, music, and rubrics for the observance of Compline throughout the year in English style of the Book of Common Prayer and the King James Bible.  More info . . .

Sarum Compline: D-R English (Second Edition, 2020) ISBN 978-1-77714-131-8 (102 pp)
This volume presents all of the text, music, and rubrics for the observance of Compline throughout the year in English style of the Douay-Rheims Bible and the Roman Catholic Church.  More info . . .

Sarum Compline, First Edition

The First Edition of Sarum Compline has been discontinued as of July 28, 2020.