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Dear friends: regrettably, as of November 2023, ‘The Sarum Rite’ has been de-funded by McMaster University. This site is now run independently at Going forward, in order to maintain and further develop the project we require financial support from friends, patrons and users like yourself. Please consider making a donation at the link just below, in order to ensure the continuance of this project as a free service, open to all. No amount is too small! The Gregorian Institute of Canada, a recognized charity in Canada, is authorized to provide tax receipts to donors. With thanks to all our supporters throughout the world. Sincerely, William Renwick.
‘Among the churches of the whole world, the Church of Sarum hath shone resplendent like the sun in his full orb, in respect of its divine service, and its ministers.’
‘Cum inter totius orbis ecclesias, ecclesia Sarum in divino officio et ministeriis, tanquam sol in aurora claruerit.’
Bishop Giles de Bridport, Aliae consitutiones, 1256. (Wilkins, Concilia I:715; Dayman and Jones, Statutes of the Cathedral Church of Sarum, Bath, 1883:54; trans. C. Wordsworth, Ceremonies and Processions (1901):vii.)
(This quotation references the chapter for sext of the translation of St. Osmund: ‘. . . quasi sol refulgens sic ille effulsit in templo Dei.’ (Ecclesiasticus 50:6).)

Salisbury Cathedral from the North-east. Authored by: Antony McCallum. Provided by: Located at: License: CC BY-SA: Attribution-ShareAlike
The Sarum Rite is a multi-volume performing and scholarly edition of all the surviving liturgy and music of the Sarum Rite, published on-line and in book-form by the Gregorian Institute of Canada.