Psalms and Canticles

English Scholarly Breviary: Psalms and Canticles

[1]-[999] = pages in the Psalter (Diacritical)
1-999 = pages in the Temporale
{1}-{999} = pages in the Sanctorale

Psalms, numerical order

1Blessed is the man[17]
2Why have the Gentiles[17]
3Why, O Lord, are they multiplied[18]
4When I called upon him[18], [422]
5Give ear, O Lord[19], [216]
6O Lord, rebuke me not[20]
7O Lord my God[22]
8O Lord our Lord[23]
9I will give praise[23]
10In the Lord I put my trust[25]
11Save me, O Lord[27]
12How long, O Lord[28]
13The fool hath said[28]
14Lord, who shall dwell[29]
15Preserve me, O Lord[31]
16Hear, O Lord, my justice[33]
17I will love thee[36]
18The heavens shew forth[40]
19May the Lord hear thee[43]
20In thy strength, O Lord[45]
21O God my God.[109]
22The Lord ruleth me.[111]
23The earth is the Lord’s.[111]
24To thee, O Lord.[112]
25Judge me, O Lord.[113]
26The Lord is my light.[201]
27Unto thee will I cry.[202]
28Bring to the Lord.[203]
29I will extol thee.[203]
30In thee, O Lord, have I hoped.[204], [422]
31Blessed are they.[206]
32Rejoice in the Lord.[207]
33I will bless the Lord.[208]
34Judge thou, O Lord.[209]
35The unjust hath said.[210]
36Be not emulous.[211]
37Rebuke me not, O Lord.[213]
38I said, I will take heed.[243]
39With expectation.[244]
40Blessed is he.[245]
41As the hart panteth.[246]
42Judge me, O God.[237], [257]
43We have heard.[228]
44My heart hath uttered.[249]
45Our God is our refuge.[250]
46O clap your hands.[251]
47Great is the Lord.[252]
48Hear these things.[252]
49The God of gods.[254]
50Have mercy on me.[215], [255]
51Why dost thou glory.[256]
52The fool said in his heart.[266]
53Save me, O God.[114], [266]
54Hear, O God, my prayer.[266]
55Have mercy on me.[268]
56Have mercy on me.[268]
57If in very deed.[269]
58Deliver me from my enemies.[270]
59O God, thou hast cut us off.[271]
60Hear, O God, my supplication.[272]
61Shall not my soul.[273]
62O God, my God[54], [273]
63Hear, O God, my prayer.[274]
64A hymn, O God, becometh thee.[275]
65Shout with joy.[276]
66May God have mercy on us[54], [277]
67Let God arise.[277]
68Save me, O God.[288]
69O God, come to my assistance.[289]
70In thee, O Lord, have I hoped.[290]
71Give to the king thy judgment.[291]
72How good is God to Israel.[293]
73O God, why hast thou.[294]
74We will praise thee.[296]
75In Judea God is known.[296]
76I cried to the Lord.[297]
77Attend, O my people.[298]
78O God, the heathens.[302]
79Give ear, O thou that rulest.[303]
80Rejoice to God our helper.[314]
81God hath stood in the congregation.[315]
82O God, who shall be like to thee ?[315]
83How lovely are thy tabernacles.[316]
84Lord, thou hast blessed thy land.[317]
85Incline thy ear, O Lord.[318]
86The foundations thereof.[319]
87O Lord, the God of my salvation.[319]
88The mercies of the Lord.[320]
89Lord, thou hast been our refuge.[303], [323]
90He that dwelleth.[324], [423]
91It is good to give praise.[325], [356]
92The Lord hath reigned.[52], [325]
93The Lord is the God.[326]
94Come let us praise the Lord[4], [327]
95Sing ye to the Lord.[328]
96The Lord hath reigned.[328]
97Sing ye to the Lord.[340]
98The Lord hath reigned.[340]
99Sing joyfully to God[53], [341]
100Mercy and judgment.[341]
101Hear, O Lord, my prayer.[342]
102Bless the Lord, O my soul.[343]
103Bless the Lord, O my soul.[345]
104Give glory to the Lord.[346]
105Give glory to the Lord.[348]
106Give glory to the Lord.[351]
107My heart is ready.[353]
108O God, be not thou silent.[353]
109The Lord said to my Lord.[363]
110I will praise thee, O Lord.[364]
111Blessed is the man.[365]
112Praise the Lord, ye children.[366]
113When Israel went out of Egypt.[367]
113-Tonl Per.When Israel went out of Egypt.73*
114I have loved.[372]
115I have believed.[373]
116O praise the Lord, all ye nations.[374]
117Give praise to the Lord.[114]
118 [j.]Blessed are the undefiled.[115]
118 [ij.]Give bountifully.[115]
118 [iij.]Set before me for a law.[158]
118 [iv.]Be thou mindful.[159]
118 [v.]Thou hast done well.[160]
118 [vj.]My soul hath fainted.[175]
118 [vij.]O how have I loved.[176]
118 [viij.]I have hated the unjust.[177]
118 [ix.]Thy testimonies.[191]
118 [x.]I cried with my whole heart.[191]
118 [xj.]Princes have persecuted me.[192]
119In my trouble I cried to the Lord.[374]
120I have lifted up my eyes.[144], [375]
121I rejoiced at the things.[379]
122To thee have I lifted up.[64], [380]
123If it had not been.[381]
124They that trust in the Lord.[381]
125When the Lord brought back.[382]
126Unless the Lord build the house.[386]
127Blessed are all they that fear the Lord.[387]
128Often have they fought against me.[387]
129Out of the depths.[388]
130Lord, my heart is not exalted.[389]
131O Lord, remember David.[393]
132Behold, how good and how pleasant.[394]
133Behold now bless ye the Lord.[395], [423]
134Praise ye the name of the Lord.[395]
135Praise the Lord, for he is good.[396]
136Upon the rivers of Babylon.[397]
137I will praise thee, O Lord.[401]
138Lord, thou hast proved me.[402]
139Deliver me, O Lord.[403]
140I have cried to thee, O Lord.[404]
141I cried to the Lord with my voice.[405]
142Hear, O Lord, my prayer.[330], [409]
143Blessed be the Lord my God.[410]
144I will extol thee, O God my king.[411]
145Praise the Lord, O my soul.[413]
146Praise ye the Lord.[413]
147Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem.[414]
148Praise ye the Lord[56]
149Sing ye to the Lord[57]
150Praise ye the Lord[57]


Blessed be the Lord GodLuke i.[64]
I. Blessed be the Lord GodLuke i.54*
II. Blessed be the Lord GodLuke i.56*
III. Blessed be the Lord GodLuke i.59*
IV. Blessed be the Lord GodLuke i.62*
V. Blessed be the Lord GodLuke i.64*
VI. Blessed be the Lord GodLuke i.66*
VII.Blessed be the Lord GodLuke i.69*
VIII. Blessed be the Lord GodLuke i.71*
Ton. Per. Blessed be the Lord GodLuke i.73*
Come let us praise(Ps. 94)[4]
I. Come let us praise4*
II. Come let us praise7*
III. Come let us praise10*
IV.i. Come let us praise13*
IV.ii. Come let us praise16*
IV.iii. Come let us praise19*
IV.iv. Come let us praise22*
IV.v. Come let us praise25*
V. Come let us praise28*
VI.i. Come let us praise31*
VI.ii. Come let us praise34*
VI.iii. A. Come let us praise37*
VI.iii. B Come let us praise39*
VII.i. Come let us praise42*
VII.ii. Come let us praise45*
VII.iii. Come let us praise48*
Hear, O ye heavensDeut. xxxii.[357]
I said : in the midst of my daysIsaiah xxxviii.[258]
I will give thanks to theeIsaiah xii.[218]
Let us sing to the LordExodus xv.[306]
My heart hath rejoicedI Kings ii.[280]
My soul doth magnify the LordLuke i.[419]
I. My soul doth magnify the Lord55*
II. My soul doth magnify the Lord57*
III. My soul doth magnify the Lord60*
IV. My soul doth magnify the Lord63*
V. My soul doth magnify the Lord65*
VI. My soul doth magnify the Lord67*
VII. My soul doth magnify the Lord70*
VIII. My soul doth magnify the Lord72*
Ton. Per. My soul doth magnify the Lord86*
Now thou dost dismiss thy servantLuke ii.[427]
O all ye works of the LordDaniel iii.[55]
Ton. Per. O all ye works of the Lord78*
O Lord, I have heardHabacuc iii.[331]
We praise thee, O God[47]
Whosoever will be savedPsalm Number[119]

Psalms and Canticles, Alphabetical

Psalm/CanticlePsalm NumberPages
A hymn, O God, becometh thee.(lxiiij.)64[275]
As the hart panteth.(xlj.)41[246]
Attend, O my people.(lxxvij.)77[298]
Be not emulous.(xxxvj.)36[211]
Be thou mindful.(cxviij.)118 [iv.][159]
Behold, how good and how pleasant.(cxxxij.)132[394]
Behold now bless ye the Lord.(cxxxiij.)133[395], [407]
Bless the Lord, O my soul.(cij.)102[343]
Bless the Lord, O my soul.(ciij.)103[345]
Blessed are all they that fear the Lord.(cxxvij.)127[387]
Blessed are the undefiled.(cxviij.)118 [j. [aleph.]][115]
Blessed are they.(xxxj.)31[206]
Blessed be the Lord God.Benedictus.[64]
Blessed be the Lord my God.(cxliij.)143[410]
Blessed is he.(xl.)40[245]
Blessed is the man.(j.)1[17]
Blessed is the man.(cxj.)111[365]
Bring to the Lord.(xxxviij.)28[203]
Come let us praise the Lord.(xciv.) Venite.[4]
Come let us praise the Lord(xciiij.)94[327]
Deliver me from my enemies.(lviij.)58[270]
Deliver me, O Lord.(cxxxix.)139[403]
Give bountifully.(cxviij.)118 [ij.][115]
Give ear, O Lord.(v.)5[19], [194]
Give ear, O thou that rulest.(lxxix.)79[303]
Give glory to the Lord.(ciiij.)104[346]
Give glory to the Lord.(cv.)105[348]
Give glory to the Lord.(cvj.)106[351]
Give praise to the Lord.(cxvij.)117[114]
Give to the king thy judgment.(lxxj.)71[291]
Great is the Lord.(xlvij.)47[252]
God hath stood in the congregation.(lxxxj.)81[315]
Have mercy on me.(l.)50[193], [235]
Have mercy on me.(lv.)55[268]
Have mercy on me.(lvj.)56[268]
He that dwelleth.(xc.)90[324], [407]
Hear, O God, my prayer.(liiij.)54[266]
Hear, O God, my supplication.(lx.)60[272]
Hear, O God, my prayer.(lxiij.)63[274]
Hear, O Lord, my justice.(xvj.)16[33]
Hear, O Lord, my prayer.(cxlij.)142[320], [409]
Hear, O Lord, my prayer.(cj.)101[342]
Hear, O ye heavens.Audite celi.[357]
Hear these things.(xlviij.)48[252]
How good is God to israel.(lxxij.)72[293]
How long, O Lord.(xij.)12[28]
How lovely are thy tabernacles.(lxxxiij.)83[316]
I cried to the Lord.(lxxvj.)76[297]
I cried to the Lord with my voice.(cxlj.)141[405]
I cried with my whole heart.(cxviij.)118 [x.][191]
I have believed.(cxv.)115[373]
I have cried to thee, O Lord.(cxl.)140[404]
I have hated the unjust.(cxviij.)118 [viij.][177]
I have lifted up my eyes.(cxx.)120[144], [359]
I have loved.(cxiiij.)114[372]
I rejoiced at the things.(cxxj.)121[379]
I said, I will take heed.(xxxviij.)38[243]
I said : In the midst of my days.Ego dixi.[258]
I will bless the Lord.(xxxiij.)33[208]
I will extol thee.(xxix.)29[203]
I will extol thee, O God my king.(cxliiij.)144[411]
I will give praise.(ix.)9[23]
I will love thee.(xvij.)17[36]
I will give thanks.Confitebor tibi.[218]
I will praise thee, O Lord.(cx.)110[364]
I will praise thee, O Lord.(cxxxvij.)137[401]
If in very deed.(lvij.)57[269]
If it had not been.(cxxiij.)123[381]
In Judea God is known.(lxxv.)75[296]
In my trouble I cried to the Lord.(cxix.)119[374]
In the Lord I put my trust.(x.)10[25]
In thee, O Lord, have I hoped.(xxx.)30[182], [406]
In thee, O Lord, have I hoped.(lxx.)70[290]
In thy strength, O Lord.(xx.)20[45]
It is good to give praise.(xcj.)91[325], [336]
Incline thy ear, O Lord.(lxxxv.)85[318]
Judge me, O God.(xlij.)42[237], [257]
Judge me, O Lord.(xxv.)25[113]
Judge thou, O Lord.(xxxiiij.)34[209]
Let God arise.(lxvij.)67[277]
Let us sing to the Lord.Cantemus Domino.[306]
Lord, my heart is not exalted.(cxxx.)130[389]
Lord, thou hast been our refuge.(lxxxix.)89[303], [323]
Lord, thou hast blessed thy land.(lxxxiiij.)84[317]
Lord, thou hast proved me.(cxxxviij.)138[402]
Lord, who shall dwell.(xiiij.)14[29]
May God have mercy on us(lxvj.)66[54], [277]
May the Lord hear thee.(xix.)19[43]
Mercy and judgment.(c.)100[341]
My heart hath uttered.(xliiij.)44[249]
My heart hath rejoiced.Exultavit cor meum.[280]
My heart is ready.(cvij.)107[353]
My soul hath fainted.(cxviij.)118 [vj.][175]
My soul : doth magnify the Lord.Magnificat.[419]
Now thou dost dismiss thy servant.Nunc dimittis.[427]
O all ye works of the Lord.Benedicite.[55]
O clap your hands.(xlvj.)46[251]
O God, be not thou silent.(cviij.)108[353]
O God, come to my assistance.(lxix.)69[289]
O God my God.(xxj.)21[109]
O God, my God(liiij.)62[54], [256]
O how have I loved.(cxviij.)118 [vij.][176]
O Lord my God.(vij.)7[22]
O Lord our Lord.(xxiij.)8[23]
O Lord, rebuke me not.(vj.)6[20]
O Lord, remember David.(cxxxj.)131[393]
O God, the heathens.(lxviij.)78[302]
O God, thou hast cut us off.(lix.)59[271]
O God, who shall be like to thee ?(lxxxij.)82[315]
O God, why hast thou.(lxxiij.)73[294]
O Lord God of my salvation.(lxxxvij.)87[319]
O Lord, I have heard thy hearing.Domine audivi auditionem.[333]
O praise the Lord, all ye nations.(cxvj.)116[374]
Often have they fought against me.(.)128[387]
Our God is our refuge.(xlv.)45[250]
Out of the depths.(cxxix.)129[388]
Praise the Lord, for he is good.(cxxxv.)135[396]
Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem.(cxlvij.)147[414]
Praise the Lord, O my soul.(cxlv.)145[413]
Praise the Lord, ye children.(cxij.)112[366]
Praise ye the Lord(cxlviij.)148[56]
Praise ye the Lord(cl.)150[57]
Praise ye the Lord.(cxlvj.)146[413]
Praise ye the name of the Lord.(cxxxiiij.)134[395]
Preserve me, O Lord.(xv.)15[31]
Princes have persecuted me.(cxviij.)118 [xj.][192]
Rebuke me not, O Lord.(xxxvij.)37[213]
Rejoice in the Lord.(xxxij.)32[207]
Rejoice to God our helper.(lxxx.)80[314]
Save me, O God.(liij.)53[114], [246]
Save me, O God.(lxviij.)68[288]
Save me, O Lord.(xj.)11[27]
Set before me for a law.(cxviij.)118 [iij.][158]
Shall not my soul.(lxj.)61[273]
Shout with joy.(lxv.)65[276]
Sing joyfully to God(xcix.)99[53], [321]
Sing ye to the Lord(cxlix.)149[57]
Sing ye to the Lord.(xcv.)95[328]
Sing ye to the Lord.(xcvij.)97[328]
The earth is the Lord’s.(xxiij.)23[111]
The fool hath said.(xiij.)13[28]
The fool said in his heart.(lj.)52[246]
The foundations thereof.(lxxxvj.)86[319]
The God of gods.(xlix.)49[254]
The heavens shew forth.(xviij.)18[40]
The Lord hath reigned.(xcij.)92[52], [325]
The Lord hath reigned.(xcvj.)96[328]
The Lord hath reigned.(xcviij.)98[340]
The Lord is my light.(xxvj.)26[201]
The Lord is the God.(xciij.)93[326]
The Lord ruleth me.(xxij.)22[111]
The Lord said to my Lord.(cix.)109[343]
The mercies of the Lord.(lxxxviij.)88[320]
The unjust hath said.(xxxv.)35[210]
They that trust in the Lord.(cxxiiij.)124[381]
Thou hast done well.(cxviij.)118 [v.][160]
Thy testimonies.(cxviij.)118 [ix.][191]
To thee have I lifted up.(cxxij.)122[64], [364]
To thee, O Lord.(xxiiij.)24[112]
Unless the Lord build the house.(cxxvj.)126[386]
Unto thee will I cry.(xxvij.)27[202]
Upon the rivers of Bablyon.(cxxxvj.)136[397]
We praise theeTe Deum.[47]
We have heard.(xliij.)[248]
We will praise thee.(lxxiiij.)[296]
When I called upon him.(iiij.)4[18], [406]
When Israel came out of Egypt.(cxiij.)[367]
When the Lord brought back.(cxxv.)[382]
With expectation.(xxxix.)[244]
Whoever will be saved.Quicunque.[119]
Why dost thou glory.(lj.)[256]
Why have the Gentiles.(ij.)2[17]
Why, O Lord, are they multiplied.(iij.)3[18]