ESA-03 Terce Sext None

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H Come, Holy Ghost, who ever One (Double feasts) [1:22]
H Come, Holy Ghost, who ever One (Pentecost &c.) [1:40]
H Come, Holy Ghost, who ever One (Sundays, simple feasts &c.) [1:18]
 H Come, Holy Ghost, who ever One (ferias) [:57]
A Enduring laud and praise; Ps 118 iii [:]
Ps 118 iv [:]
Ps 118 v; A Enduring laud and praise [:]
(A Enduring laud and praise) [:28]
Chap. The Grace of our Lord [:15]
R Incline my heart [1:14]
V I said, Lord, be merciful [:]11
A Let thy tender mercies [:13]
 Chap. Heal me, O Lord [:15]
R Heal my soul [:54]
 V Be thou my helper [:12]
A Stir up thy might [:15]
 Chap. He that is to come [:18]
R Come to deliver us [:50]
 V The Gentiles shall fear thy Name [:10]


H Thou mighty Ruler (Double feasts) [1:00]
H Thou mighty Ruler (Sundays, simple feasts &c.) [1:14]
H  Thou mighty Ruler (ferias) [:56]
A Glory and laud; Ps 118 vi [:]
Ps 118 vii [:]
Ps 118 viii; A Glory and laud [:]
(A Glory and laud) [:32]
 Chap. There are three who give testimony [:16]
R For ever, O Lord [:52]
 V The Lord ruleth me [:11]
A Let me not be confounded [:15]
 Chap. Prove all things [:16]
R I will bless the Lord [:51]
 V The Lord ruleth me [:11]
A At thine advent [:13]
 Chap. Her time is near at hand [:18]
R Shew us, O Lord [:43]
V Remember us, O Lord [:12]


H O God ! of all the strength and stay (Double feasts) [:58]
H O God ! of all the strength and stay (Sundays, simple feasts &c.) [1:16]
H O God ! of all the strength and stay (ferias) [:53]
A Of whom are all things; Ps 118 ix [:]
Ps 118 x [:]
Ps 118 xi; A Of whom are all things [:]
(A Of whom are all things) [:32]
 Chap. One Lord, one faith [:22]
R I cried with my whole heart [:53]
V From my secret ones [:12]
A Give me understanding [:16]
 Chap. Bear ye one another’s burdens [:13]
R Redeem me, O Lord [:57]
V From my secret ones [:12]
A Come, O Lord [:16]
 Chap. Come, let us go up [:26]
R Upon thee, O Jerusalem [:47]
V O Lord God of hosts [:12]

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