
Use of Sarum Public Facebook discussion group

The Sarum Tonary. (TML)

The Sarum Customary Online.

The prymer in Englysshe sette out alonge, after the vse of Sarum. 1538

The Salisbury Project, University of Virginia.  (Sadly, only the small images of this important photographic documentary of the cathedral are the only ones now available.)

The Use of Sarum, or Sarum Rite, by Joseph Warfel (Sarum Missal Ordinary in parallel Latin and English; Week-day Votive Masses in parallel Latin and English)

Salisbury Cathedral Library Catalogue of Manuscripts 2019

The Easter Sepulchre Ceremony in England.

CANTUS Database of Latin Ecclesiastical Chant.

Cantus Planus Regensburg database

Late Medieval Liturical Offices database

MMMO Database Medieval Music Manuscripts Online Database

The Gregorian Repertory database

USUARIUM A Digital Library and Database for the Study of Latin Liturgical History in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period

Hymnarium Anthology of liturgical hymns and sequences.

Gregorian Institute of Canada.

Sarum Mass for St. Frideswide, Merton College, Oxford, February 1996

Sarum Candlemas at St Thomas’, Huron Street, Toronto. [Video] (1/7)

Sarum Vespers, Candlemas Eve, February 1, 2020, at St. Patrick’s Church Philadelphia

Bernard Brandt, A Case for the Restoration of the Sarum Rite in the Roman Catholic Church.

Liturgia Latina liturgical resources

Hamilton Schola Cantorum at McMaster University, November 13, 2013

The Salisbury Project: Image Archive of the Cathedral

Salisbury – A Divined Cathedral (discusses the architecture, proportion and setting)

Gleeson White. The Cathedral Church of Salisbury (1898). (Detailed illustrated description of the cathedral.)

The Experience of Worship in late medieval Cathedral and Parish Church (recreations of Medieval (including Sarum) liturgies

Church Monument Society: Monuments in Salisbury Cathedral

Horstmann, Carl, ed. The Early South English Legendary, EETS, OS 87 (London: Trübner, 1887)

The Anglican Breviary

Sing the Office (BCP offices set to music)

The Use of York: Tonale and Venitare (Brandon Wild)
The Use of York: Missal Temporale etc. (Brandon Wild)

Botel Abbey, Scotland (a new Orthodox foundation using the Sarum Rite)

Anglican Catholic Church: Provisional Mission of St Osmund, Dudley (using the Sarum Rite)

The Sarum Office at Old Albury, Surrey, UK

St. Helen, Ranworth (containing interesting medieval furnishings)

A 1534 Printed Sarum Missal at Rochester Cathedral (Paris: Regnault).

The Golden Legend (Caxton, 1483)

Hours of the Blessed Virgin (transcription of the Sarum Hours from the Hopyl/Verard edition, Paris, 1503-1505, Copenhagen Kongelige Bibliotek CMB Pergament 19 4o)

The Buckland Missal, Oxford, Bodleian MS. Don. b. 5. Sarum Noted Missal, c. 1360-80.

Rosarium ex Horis ad usum Sarum/Rosary from the Hours, Sarum Use

Sounds Medieval, Martin Renshaw.  . . . discovering the origins of English music (containing much information about how medieval churches were used)

Modern Medievalism: The Use of Sarum: A Brief History and Why It Matters 2012. (At this site, also analysis of Sarum High Mass and Sarum Low Mass.)

Father Hunwicke’s Mutual Enrchment: The Death of Sarum: and interesting discussion of the possible employment of the Sarum Mass in the 18th and 19th centuries, dated 2019. (Accessed September 2, 2024.)

A Sarum Printed Breviary (1555-56) at ZSR Library, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA.

Sarum Mass for St. Frideswide, Merton College, Oxford, February 1996

Sarum Mass for Candlemas, Merton College, Oxford, February 1997

Sarum Candlemas at St Thomas’, Huron Street, Toronto. [Video] (1/7)

Sarum Vespers, Candlemas Eve, February 1, 2020, at St. Patrick’s Church Philadelphia

Low Mass according to the Use of Sarum on Thursday after “Invocabit” (first Sunday of Lent) in the Chapel of St Mary, Hautot Saint Sulpice, Normandy, February 26, 2015.

Sarum Training Session: Introduction to the Chapel of St Mary the Virgin in Normandy and the practical celebration of low Mass according to the Use of Sarum, February 27, 2015.

Bishop’s mass with lenten array, March 12, 2020.

The Experience of Worship enactments, 2011:
1) Lady Mass: Ordinary Time, Eastertide, Christmastide
2) Jesus mass
3) Procession of the Holy Name of Jesus

Sarum (Low) Mass in English, St. John the Evangelist Anglican Church, Montreal Quebec, September 8, 2022.

Historical Recreation of a 15th Century Catholic Latin Mass
While not according to the Sarum Use, this video exhibits many of the typical features of a modest Sunday Mass in a small parish church.

A Day in the Life of Salisbury Cathedral, ca. 1500-lecture for the Royal School of Church Music, William Renwick, December 2020
Note: I wish to correct a statement in this video: the canons of Salisbury were financially supported not by parishes, but by estates; they did not normally have parish duties. I note also that only the incipit of the antiphon at Nunc dimittis is sung before the canticle; the whole antiphon is sung at the end.

Interview with Christian Wagner (The Militant Thomist): The Sarum Rite, with William Renwick, March 18, 2022

October 6, 2022, 1 pm BST: On-line Lecture: ‘The Penwortham Breviary: Distinctive Musical Traits in an Early Sarum Noted Breviary‘ for the Churches Conservation Trust.

15th-century Sarum Missal at Lyme Park, Cheshire (1487 (only ‘close to complete’ copy of the first edition-Caxton)) For background information click here.

Vespers, Compline and Salve according to the Sarum use -Liturgy Reconstruction- Antiquum Documentum, Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Oxford, November 21, 2023.

Facsimiles and digital manuscripts
British Library MS Arundel 130:1r. (1446-61) Sarum noted Breviary showing the beginning of Advent.

Christ Church, University of Oxford: Christ Church Arch. Inf. Subt. K.1.  Sarum Antiphonale, Pars Hiemalis (1519).  The ‘Winter’ half of the printed Sarum antiphonale.

Christ Church, University of Oxford: Christ Church MS 87, Missal, Use of Sarum, ca. 1400-1450.

Bibliotheque National Ms Latin 17294. (1430-40) Sarum Breviary made for the Duke of Bedford.  Contains spectacular images throughout.

Bibliotheque National Ms Latin 12036. (early 13th. c.) St Andrews Antiphonal and Diurnal.
Basically Sarum but with some unusual sanctoral items, palaeographically linked with
the De Bernham Pontifical, probably produced in St Andrews.

Bibliotheque National, Processionale ad usus insignis ecclesie Sarum (1545). Sarum printed Processional.

The Burnett Psalter, University of Aberdeen.

Rylands Latin MS 24: The Crawford Missal. Sarum Noted Missal, 13th. c.  The University of Manchester Rylands Medieval Collection.  (Known as the Crawford Missal, or the Missal of Henry of Chichester).

The Arsenal Missal, Bibliotheque nationale, Arsenal 135

Cambridge, Queens College MS 28.  Sarum Gradual, 15th c.  The folio of pp. 55-56 (St. Thomas Becket) has been replaced in a later hand.  It maybe that this restoration dates to the Marian restoration, 1553-1559.

National Library of Wales MS 15536E: The Sherbrooke Missal. Noted MIssal, ca 1310-1320, with revisions to conform to the Sarum Use.
“The use is neither that of Salisbury, nor York, nor Lincoln, and deserves critical examination by a competent liturgiologist. The scribe who wrote the MS. copied it evidently from a codex of the end of the twelfth century, and noted on the margins certain deficiencies and variations which he repaired by a supplementary set of offices at the end of the work. There are also similar notes on the margins in a writing of the late fourteenth century, effected by a hand which has erased and corrected various places, bringing the service nearer to that of the Saram use. . . .
“Amongst the offices which had not been in the earlier codex, and which are here given as supplementary matter are those of St. Chad, St. David, St. Richard, St. John of Beverley (the supplementary office is according to York, not Sarum) ; St. Edmund of Canterbury, etc.
Amongst the prayers of the original text is one ” pro Rege,” but there is none for the Pope and the Bishop. The deficiency is supplied in the supplementary part, written about 1400, with another ” Pro rege et regina.” The first scribe often marks in the margin ” Non Sarum,” and the Feast of Relics which is given “secundum usum Sarum ” is
placed among the offices of the early part of September (between the Translation of St. Cuthbert and St. Edith’s day).
“The volume is foliated in Arabic numerals written about 1480, and we thus see that five preliminary leaves and thirteen leaves in various places are missing.” A Catalogue of Bibles, Liturgies, Church History, and Theology (London: Bernard Quaritch, 1891):99.

British Library Add MS 11414, Missal, use of Sarum, 2nd or 3rd quarter of 14th. century

British Library Add MS 18850. (1415-35) The Bedford Hours (11 images available here; 5 images available here)

British Library Add MS 52359 : the Penwortham Breviary. Sarum Noted Breviary, ca. 1300-1319.

British Library Add MS 42130 : the Luttrell Psalter. Sarum Psalter with calendar and additional material, ca. 1325-1340.

British Library Stowe MS 12 : the Stowe Breviary. Sarum Use adapted to Norwich, ca. 1322-1325 and ca. 1350-1380.

British Library Add MS 49999 : the De Brailes Hours. ca. 1240.

British Library Add MS 50000 : the Oscott Psalter. ca. 1265-1270.

British Library Add MS 50001 : The Hours of Elizabeth the Queen. Sarum Use, ca. 1415-1897.

British Library Add MS 54782 : The Hastings Hours. Use of Sarum, ca. 1480.

British Library Add MS 62925 : the Rutland Psalter. Use of Sarum, ca. 1260.

British Library Cotton MS Tiberius C 1 ff 43r-203v contains a pontifical including an added portion (ff 89r (88r?)-151r) from the 11th century written at Sherbourne and Salisbury.

British Library Egerton MS 3277 : the Bohun Psalter. 2nd half of the 14th century.

British Library Harley MS 2985 : Book of Hours. Use of Sarum, 3rd quarter of the 15th century.

British Library Kings MS 9 : Anne Boleyn’s Book of Hours. Use of Sarum, ca. 1500.

British Library Lansdowne MS 383 : the Shaftsbury Psalter. 2nd quarter of the 12th century.

British Library Royal MS 2 A XVIII : the Beaufort/Beauchamp Hours. 1401-c 1500.

British Library Royal MS 2 B I. ca. 1430-c1440.

British Library Sloane MS 268. Book of Hours, Use of Sarum, ca. 1390-1400.

British Library Yates Thompson MS 13 : The Taymouth Hours. Use of Sarum, 2nd quarter of the 14th century.

British Library Yates Thompson MS 14 : the St Omer Psalter. ca 1330-c 1440.

Graduale Sarisburiense (W. H. Frere, London: B. Quaritch, 1894).  British Library MS Add. 12194 with supplements from British Library MS Add. 17001, Bodl. MS Rawl. Liturg. d 3. and British Library Lansd. 462.  Another link here.

National Library of Scotland, The Aberdeen Breviary (1510)

Cambridge, Trinity College MS B.10.14, Sarum Missal (14th c.)

Cambridge, Trinity College MS B.11.3, [Sarum] Missal (early 15th c.) (contains music for the priest’s part of the mass at Advent 1 and the Vigil of Easter)

Cambridge, Trinity College MS B.11.9, Sarum Pontificale (15th c.)

Cambridge, Trinity College MS B.11.11, [Sarum] Missal (15th c.) (contains music for the priest’s part of the mass at Advent 1 and the Vigil of Easter)

Cambridge, Trinity College MS O.3.54, Hymnal (Barking Abbey (Benedictine))

Cambridge, Trinity College MS O.4.16, Psalter (English, late 13th c.)

GB-BGul Bangor Pontifical (Bangor Pontifical) (University Archives and Special Collections, Bangor, Wales; chant manuscript, Episcopate of Anian II, Bishop of Bangor 1309-28) (the most complete Pontifical of Sarum Use.) (see also The Bangor Pontifical Project)

Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 093: Ordinal and Martyrology of Exeter (Ioh. de Grandisson Ordinale et Martyrologium Exoniense) ca. 1400 – 1425
The Ordinal contains the directions for the church services for the Mass and the Divine Office. The liturgical use of Exeter was an adaptation for that diocese of the Use of Sarum.  The Martyrology begins on 132r.

Petre’s Gradual (Newcastle University ROB 405) c. 1370, rediscovered in 2014.  (In the internet files, each individual file is numbered with the previous page number!  In references, I follow the convention that recto is numbered odd.)  If this manuscript does not load properly, try using a different browser.

Widener 3 Book of Hours, Use of Sarum (‘The John Browne Hours‘) (Free Library of Philadelphia, Special Collections 0023)

Oxford, Bodleian Library Gough Missals 143. Expositio Hymnorum Secundum usum Sarum. Expositio sequentiarum secundum usum Sarum. [Pynson, 1497]

Oxford, Bodleian Library Byw. R 4.12*. Horae (Rouen or Sarum use) [c. 1490] [Paris] [Georg Wolf]

Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Auct. D. inf. 2. 11. Book of Hours, Use of Sarum, 1440–1450.

Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Douce 231. Book of Hours, Use of Sarum, 1325–1330.

Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Lat. liturg. e. 17. Prayers and Offices, Use of Sarum, 1400–1410.

Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Lat. liturg. f. 2. Book of Hours, Use of Sarum, 1390–1410.

Oxford, Exeter College MS 46. Psalterium, c. 1340-55

Oxford, Exeter College MS 47. Psalterium (The Psalter of Humphrey de Bohun), 1360–1400.

Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Bodl. 850. Book of Hours, Use of Sarum (with prayers in English), 1450–1475.

Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Bodl. 113. Book of Hours, Use of Sarum, 1425–1450.

Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Lat. liturg. f. 21. Book of Hours, Use of Sarum, 15th century.

Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Laud Misc. 204. Book of Hours, Use of Sarum, 15th century, second quarter.

Oxford, Bodleian Library S. Seld. d.11. The Art and craft to know well to die. Directorium sacerdotum ad usum Sarum. [c. 1489-after 15 June 1490].

Oxford, Bodleian Library Auct. 1Q 5.8. Directorium sacerdotum ad usum Sarum. Johannes de Cardona, Indulgentia for promoting the war against the Turks and the defence of Rhodes. [1483]-1488.

Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Douce 18. Priest’s vade medum including a psalter, c. 1433 and c. 1475.

COUTANCES, Bibliothèque municipale, 0002.  Sarum manuale, 1375-1400

BNF-NAL 2628, Kalendar, Sarum Use. End of 12th c.

New York, General Thoeological Seminary, Book of Hours, Sarum Use

Royal Collection Trust RCIN 1057923 Sarum Missal, Rouen, 1497