Anatomy of the Sarum Liturgy

The Office
There are four office cycles:
-the Canonical Office is the principal office, it is sung, in the chancel, daily
-the Sung Office of the Virgin is sung in the chapel of the Virgin, daily
-the Said Office of the Virgin, is sung recto tono, partly in the chancel, partly out of the chancel, daily
-the Office of the Dead is sung or said (recto tono) on some days

-the offices found in the Sarum Books of Hours or Primers are intended for lay-folk. The Office of the Virgin contained in these books is similar, but not the same as the Said Office of the Virgin listed above.

The Canonical Office

The Daily Sung Office of the Virgin

The Daily Said Office of the Virgin
-Vespers and Matins said outside of Quire on double feasts; from the Vigil of the Nativity through to the Octave of St. Stephen, on the Vigil of the Epiphany, from Maundy Thursday until Monday after the Octave of Easter, during the week of Pentecost, and during the octave of the Dedication of the Church, and when a Memorial of the Commemoration of St. Mary is made at vespers with the antiphon Sub tuam protectionem.
-the other hours always said outside of Quire.

The Office of the Dead

The Mass

The high mass of the day is normally said after Terce, or in later times after Sext. On the three days after the Nativity it is said after None.
