
English Scholarly Breviary: Prayers

[1]-[999] = pages in the Psalter (Diacritical)
1-999 = pages in the Temporale
{1}-{999} = pages in the Sanctorale

Incipit Pages
Almighty and everlasting God . . .
. . . defend us thy servants. [213]
. . . the eternal health. [142]
Be present, O Lord, at our supplications. [142]
Be present with us. [212]
Grant, we beseech thee, O Lord . . .
. . . that all thy Saints. [214]
Hail Mary, full of grace. [5]
In this hour of this day. [135]
Keep, we beseech thee, O Lord. [212]
Lighten, we beseech thee. [452]
Look down, we beseech thee, O Lord. [431]
Look, O Lord, upon our infirmities. [214]
May holy Mary. [136]
O almighty and everlasting God, direct. [139]
O God, who didst ascend. [212]
O God, who by the fruitful virginity. [210]
O God, who wast pleased. [206]
O holy Lord, Father almighty. [135]
Open thou my mouth. [5]
Our Father. [5]
Pardon, we beseech thee, O Lord. [213]
Pour forth upon us, O Lord. [432]
Visit, we beseech thee. [207]
Voucafe, O Lord God, we beseech thee. [140]
We beseech thee, O Lord . . .
. . . be appeased by the intercession. [214]
. . . favourably receive the prayers. [65], [454]
. . . mercifully to look upon our infirmities. [214]