Chants for the Feast of St. Margaret

The Feast of St. Margaret will follow the medieval liturgies of York and Salisbury, with some modifications for practical considerations. The matins lessons that tell the story of St. Margaret will be sung in English. The ceremonial of the mass will be of a low mass rather than a high mass; incense will be omitted. The full program and registration details are available here.

Text and Music Files for the Feast of St. Margaret
First Vespers and Compline, York Use (Tuesday evening)
Matins and Lauds, Sarum Use (Wednesday early morning)
Prime, Terce, Sext, Mass, None, Sarum Use (Wednesday later morning)
Second Vespers and Compline, Sarum Use (Wednesday evening)
English Translations of Latin texts

Note: the above documents are not included in the ordinary registration for the colloquium. They may be printed before-hand by participants, or read directly off electronic devices like tablets. If you would like us to prepare hard-copy prints of these documents, please write ahead of time to William Renwick thanks

Where can I find:

Explanation of the pointing system for singing the psalms commentary on page 47* and following.
Sarum Psalm Tones (Latin) (English)

The following sound files may be of assistance for those preparing for this event.

First Vespers
1 A In domum Domini [:07]
2 A Qui habitas in celis [:10]
3 A Adjutorium nostrum [:09]
4 A Benefac Domine [:10]
5 A Facti sumus [:17]
R Regnum mundi [1:47]
H Virginis proles [1:55]
V Diffusa est gratia [:20]
A Simile est regnum [1:01]
V Benedicamus Domino [:13]

A Miserere michi [:12]
H Te lucis ante terminum [:53]
A Salva nos Domine [:19]

A Beata Dei genitrix [:54]

V Domine labia mea aperies [:31]
Invit. Christum venerantes [:23]
H Virginis Proles [1:48]
1 A Ante thorum [:15]
2 A Sicut lilium [:17]
3 A Favus distillans [:32]
1 R Diffusa est gratia [1:16]
2 R Propter veritatem [1:36]
3 R Dilexisti justiciam [2:03]
4 A Specie tua [:14]
5 A Adjuvabit eam [:13]
6 A Unguentum effusum [:26]
4 R Hec est virgo [1:42]
5 R Veni sponsa Christi [1:39]
6 R Audi filia [3:00]
7 A Hec est que nescivit [:22]
8 A Nigra sum [:21]
9 A O quam pulchra [:18]
7 R Veni electa mea [1:13]
8 R Pulchra facie [1:29]
9 R Regnum mundi [1:40]
Cant. Te Deum [3:53]

1 A Hec est virgo sapiens quam Dominus [:14]
2 A Hec est virgo sapiens et una [:14]
3 A Hec est virgo sancta [:16]
4 A Benedico te Pater [:21]
5 A Veni sponsa Christi [:20]
H Jesu corona virginum [1:43]
A Veniente sponso [:23]

H Jam lucis orto sydere [2:10]
A Hec est virgo sapiens quam Domine [:14]
A Te jure laudant [:34]
R Jesu Christe [:52]

H Nunc sancte nobis [1:17]
A Hec est virgo sapiens et una [:14]
R Diffusa est gratia [:40]

H Rector potens [1:11]
A Hec est virgo sancta [:16]
R Specie tua [:40]

Introit: Me expectaverunt [2:34]
Kyrie. Orbis factor [1:30]
Gloria in excelsis VI [2:12]
Gradual: Specie tua [3:13]
Alleluya: Veni electa mea [1:44]
Sequence: Exultemus in hac die [2:52]
Credo in unum Deum [3:04]
Offertory: Offereuntur regi virgines [:55]
Sursum corda [:39]
Daily Preface [:57]
Sanctus V [1:08]
Agnus Dei IV [1:04]
Communion: Feci judicium [:48]
Ite missa est (Orbis factor) I [:19]

H Rerum Deus tenax [1:13]
A Veni sponsa Christi [:20}
R Adjuvabit eam [:38]

Second Vespers
A Hec est virgo sapiens [:14]
H Jesu corona virginum [1:17]
A Simile est regnum celorum homini [:35]

Memorial of St. Praxedis
A Simile est regnum celorum sagene misse [:46]

V Converte nos Deus salutis noster [:19]
A Miserere; Ps 4 Cum invocarem [2:08]
Ps 30 In te Domine speravi [1:24]
Ps 90 Qui habitat in adjutorio [2:45]
Ps 133 Ecce nunc benedicite; A Miserere michi [1:07]
(A Miserere michi) [:14]
H Te lucis ante terminum [:53]
A Salva nos Domine [:24]

Ant. BVM
A Salve regina [3:50]