Help to keep ‘The Sarum Rite’ alive!
Dear friends: regrettably, as of November 2023, ‘The Sarum Rite’ has been de-funded by McMaster University. This site is now run independently at Going forward, in order to maintain and further develop the project we require financial support from friends, patrons and users like yourself. Please consider making a donation at the link just below, in order to ensure the continuance of this project as a free service, open to all. No amount is too small! The Gregorian Institute of Canada, a recognized charity in Canada, is authorized to provide tax receipts to donors. With thanks to all our supporters throughout the world. Sincerely, William Renwick.
As of October 2024 this site contains:
–over 19,460 pages of the Sarum liturgy
–over 4000 sound files
–316 web pages
–there are now 19 print-volumes of Sarum liturgy available for purchase (see ‘Books‘).
-Noted Missal, English (in progress)
-Processional, English
-Manuale, English
-Pontificale, Latin/English
-Appendix to the Breviary noted, Latin/English
-Appendix to the Missal noted, Latin/English
-Sarum Martirology Latin
-Expositio Hymnorum, Latin/English
-Sarum Tonale English
-Directorium Sacerdotum, Latin/English
-Hore BVM (Primer), Latin/English (the lay-folks’ prayer book)
-Ordinale Sarum, Latin/English
Coming 2025
Additional instalments to the English Performing Missal and English Scholarly Missal
August 2024
English Performing Breviary Temporale and Sanctorale revised and completed
English Scholarly Breviary Temporale and Sanctorale revised and completed
July 2024
Parts C-4 through C-7 of the English Performing Breviary (Sanctorale, March-June)
Parts C-4 through C-7 of the English Scholarly Breviary (Sanctorale, March-June)
March 2024
Updated and complete version of Scholarly Breviary and the Performing Breviary
February 2024
Updated versions of the English Performing Breviary, parts A-01 through A-11; D-01 through D-02
English Performing Breviary, part D-03
Updated versions of English Scholarly Breviary, parts A-01 through A-11; D-01
English Scholarly Breviary, parts D-02 and D-03
January 2024
Parts A-20 through A-22 of the English Performing Breviary (Common of Saints)
Parts A-20 through A-22 of the English Scholarly Breviary (Common of Saints)
November 1, 2023
The Sarum Rite website has migrated to a new host: the domain remains the same,; the URL is now
Article: Sebastian Morello, ‘The Tragedy of the Sarum Rite‘ (July 4, 2023).
September, 2023
New page: Local Uses, a place to gather information from local uses in and around Britain, which may shed light on Sarum practices.
July 24-25, 2023
The Gregorian Institute of Canada presents The Feast of St. James, according to the Use of York. St. George’s Church, 134 Emerson Street, Hamilton Ontario Canada. Info here.

July 2023
Parts A-1 and A-2 of the English Performing Missal (Temporale, Advent and Christmastide)
Parts A-1 and A-2 of the English Scholarly Missal (Temporale, Advent and Christmastide)
March 2023
Sarum Matins Latin, in seven volumes: I Temporale (A, B, C), II Psalterium, III Sanctorale (A, B, C (see Books).
A new web component, Anatomy of the Sarum Liturgy, which details the structure of the liturgy.
January 14 2023
Sarum Compline with the Chapel Choir at Newman Centre Chapel, McGill University (3483 Peel Street, Montreal), with William Renwick, 7:15 pm. (Workshop-rehearsal 2:45-4:15)
January 2023
Parts A-16 through A-19 of the English Performing Breviary (Common of Saints; revised)
Parts A-16 through A-19 of the English Scholarly Breviary (Common of Saints)
November 2022
The Office of Compline From the Divine Worship Daily Office, prepared by Ian Williams, 2022.
October 2022
Errata for Sarum Vespers Latin II-Psalter updated.
Errata for Sarum Vespers Latin III-Sanctorale updated.
Errata for Sarum Diurnal Latin I-Temporale added.
Errata for Sarum Diurnal Latin II-Psalterium added.
Errata for Sarum Diurnal Latin III-Sanctorale added.
October 6, 2022, 1 pm BST
On-line Lecture: ‘The Penwortham Breviary: Distinctive Musical Traits in an Early Sarum Noted Breviary‘ for the Churches Conservation Trust
July 2022
Parts C-1 through C-3 of the English Performing Breviary (Sanctorale, Dec-Feb)
Parts C-1 through C-3 of the English Scholarly Breviary (Sanctorale, Dec-Feb)
The entire Latin Breviary Temporale (parts B-1 through B-51) and Sanctorale (parts C-1 through C-12) revised.
July 19-20, 2022
The Gregorian Institute of Canada presents The Feast of St. Margaret, according to the Uses of York and Sarum. St. Matthew’s on the Plains Anglican Church, Burlington Ontario Canada.
For all the texts and music, click here.
For sound files of the principal chants, click here.
June 2022
Updated files for the Latin Breviary Psalter
March 2022
Interview with Christian Wagner: The Sarum Rite, with William Renwick.
William Renwick, ‘ “I will lay me down in peace”: Singing Sarum Compline’, Church Music Quarterly, March 2022: 45-47. (Introduction to the Sarum Office of Compline.)
January 2022
Parts B-50 through B-52 of the English Performing Breviary (Ezechiel-Dedication)
Parts B-50 through B-52 of the English Scholarly Breviary (Ezechiel-Dedication)
August 2021
‘Questions‘ page added, a locus for gathering and discussing unresolved issues concerning Sarum liturgy.
‘Customary digest‘ page added, a summary, ordering, and adapting where helpful, of the information found in the Sarum Customaries and elsewhere, most useful to modern-day liturgical performance.
July 2021
The Sarum Manual, Latin
Parts B-43 through B-49 of the English Performing Breviary (Deus omnium-Maccabees)
Parts B-42 through B-49 of the English Scholarly Breviary (Deus omnium-Maccabees)
May 2021
The Sarum Gradual Latin, in three volumes: I: Temporale; II: Commune sanctorum et Kyriale; III: Sanctorale et Misse votive (see Books).
April 2021
Revised versions of the Venitare: Latin-Toni Communes D-01, English Performing-Common Tones D-01; English Scholarly-Common Tones D-01
March 2021
Perpetual Sarum Kalendar: Two weekly commemorations (under ”more documents‘)
Perpetual Sarum Kalendar: One weekly commemorations (under ”more documents‘)
January 2021
The Sarum Processional, Latin
Parts B-38 through B-41 of the English Performing Breviary (Ascension-Corpus Christi)
Parts B-38 through B-41 of the English Scholarly Breviary (Ascension-Corpus Christi)
Perpetual Sarum Kalendar: Three weekly commemorations (under ”more documents‘)
December 2020
A Day in the Life of Salisbury Cathedral, ca. 1500-lecture for the Royal School of Church Music
October 2020
The Sarum Diurnal Latin, in three volumes: I Temporale, II Psalterium, III Sanctorale (see Books).
July 2020
Parts B-29 through B-37 of the English Performing Breviary (Eastertide)
Parts B-29 through B-37 of the English Scholarly Breviary (Eastertide)
Parts C-3 and C-4, Votive Masses &c. of the Sarum Missal (This will complete the Latin edition of the Sarum Missal.)
The Proclamation of the Relics (see Feast of Relics)
June 2020
Hymnaire traditionnel en français, 2ème édition (Hymnal in French) 2019
for more information see ‘more documents‘
May 2020
Compline 1928-1962-2000 and the Book of Common Prayer Noted prepared by Andrew Dunning, Curator, Bodleian Library, Oxford
Compline-1928 (pdf)
Compline-1962 (pdf)
Compline-2000 (pdf)
The Book of Common Prayer Noted (pdf)
for more information see ‘more documents‘
April 2020
Sarum Compline: Latin, Second Edition; Sarum Compline: BCP English, Second Edition; Sarum Compline: D-R English, Second Edition now published (see Books).
January 2020
Part B-28 of the English Performing Breviary (Palm Sunday and week)
Parts B-27 and B-28 of the English Scholarly Breviary (Passion Sunday and Palm Sunday)
Part B-8 through B-12 of the Latin Noted Missal (Proper of of Saints, July-November)
November 2019
Kalendar 2020
October 2019
Updated version of Steve Gallagher’s KJV Venitare.
July 2019
Part B-1 through B-7 of the Latin Noted Missal (Proper of of Saints, December-June)
Parts ESB-21 through ESB-26 of the English Scholarly Temporale
June 11-12 2019: performance of the Sarum Office and Mass. This performance is a re-creation of the full ferial office for Thursday evening and Friday morning, including the full daily Office of the Blessed Virgin, the full Vigils of the Dead, and the Capitular Office. This will be followed on Friday evening with the Commemoration of St. Mary. There will be only one mass on Friday, the high mass at around 12:00. (The daily Morrow Mass, the daily Mass of the Virgin, and the daily Mass of the Dead will be omitted.) Thursday begins with ferial vespers at 6:00 pm. and concludes with the Marian antiphon at around 9:00 pm. Friday will begin with ferial matins at 7:00 a.m., and continue through to the end of Mass around 1:00. Lunch will be ‘pot luck’ hopefully in the garden. Friday evening will be of the Commemoration of St. Mary. It will begin at 6:00, and comprise Vespers and Compline of St. Mary with the Antiphon of St. Mary, concluding around 8:00 p.m. This offering is intended to be an experience of daily worship according to the Use of Sarum. This will take place at Grace Lutheran Church, 1107 Main St W, Hamilton, Ontario CANADA. The full liturgy, text and music (pdf) is available by contacting William Renwick (renwick [at] mcmaster [dot] ca). Any and all are invited to this event. TEXTS and MUSIC will only be available by contacting William Renwick–who will be happy to share the material even to those who may not be able to attend. For further information, please contact William Renwick.
March 2019 Revised versions of the Venitare: Latin-Toni Communes-D-01, English Performing-Common Tones D-01; and added new file, English Scholarly-Common Tones D-01.
February 2019 hard-cover print editions (see Books):
Sarum Vespers Latin I: Temporale 462 pp.
Sarum Vespers Latin II: Psalterium 318 pp.
Sarum Vespers Latin III: Sanctorale 497 pp.
Coming January 2019
Part C-1 and C-2 of the Latin Noted Missal (Common of Saints)
Parts ESB-15 through ESB-20 of the English Scholarly Temporale
November 2018
Sarum Kalendar 2019
September 2018
Topical Guide: a reference discussion and elucidation on various issues of the Sarum Rite, organized alphabetically.
August 14-15, 2018: The Feast of the Assumption according to the Sarum Rite–the full Office, Procession and Mass.
The Feast of the Assumption will be sung in its entirety from First Vespers on Tuesday evening through to Compline on Wednesday evening. This will take place at Grace Lutheran Church, 1107 Main St W, Hamilton, Ontario CANADA. The full schedule, text and music, is available here- Sarum Assumption-2018. Any and all are invited to this event. TEXTS and MUSIC will not be provided–please print anything that you wish from the file, or download to an I-pad. For further information, please contact William Renwick.
Addenda and corrections are available here: August 15 corrections
Grace Lutheran Church, 1107 Main St W, Hamilton, Ontario CANADA.
All are welcome. The schedule will be approximately :
Tuesday August 14:
First Vespers 7:00 pm
Compline : 8:00 pm
Wednesday August 15:
Matins 7:00 am
Lauds 8:30 am
Prime 9:15 am
Chapter 9:45 am
Terce 10:30 am
Procession 11:00 am
Mass 11:15 am
Sext 1:00 pm
None 3:30 pm
Second Vespers 6:30 pm
Compline 7:30 pm.
August 14-15 2018
The Feast of the Assumption will be sung in its entirety from First Vespers on Tuesday evening through to Compline on Wednesday evening. This will take place at Grace Lutheran Church, 1107 Main St W, Hamilton, Ontario CANADA. The full schedule, text and music, is available here- Sarum Assumption-2018. Any and all are invited to this event. TEXTS and MUSIC will not be provided–please print anything that you wish from the file, or download to an I-pad. For further information, please contact William Renwick.
July 2018
Part 8, the Ordinary of the Latin Noted Missal
Parts ESB-10 through ESB-14 of the English Scholarly Temporale
May 2018
Fascicule 4: 101v – 116v. De Missa : Sanctorale.
of the Sarum Ordinale, BL Harley 1001. (in ‘More Documents’)
March 2018 hard-cover print editions (see Books):
Sarum Compline: Latin 68 pp.
Sarum Compline: BCP English 74 pp.
Sarum Compline: D-R English 74 pp.
January 2018
Part 7, Trinitytide, of the Latin Noted Missal
Parts ESB-6 through ESB-9 of the English Scholarly Temporale
Alleluyas in Eastertide for votive masses (In the Latin Missal)
November 2017
Simple Office Tones for Antiphons and Responsories. (in ‘More Documents’)
Kalendar 2018
October 2018
The Use of York Site launched by Brandon Wild
September 2017
Fascicule 3: Folios 84r – 110v. De Missa : Temporale.
of the Sarum Ordinale, BL Harley 1001. (in ‘More Documents’)
August 2017
Updated indices for the Latin Missal
July 2017
Part 6, Eastertide, of the Latin Noted Missal
Parts EPB-26 through EPB-27 of the English Performing Temporale
Parts ESB-2 through ESB-5 of the English Scholarly Temporale
April 2017
Fascicule 2: Folios 55r – 83v. Ad Horas : Sanctorale.
Appendix II.A. Kalendar.
Appendix II.B. Feasts and their Classifications.
of the Sarum Ordinale, BL Harley 1001. (in ‘More Documents’)
January 2017
Part 5, Passiontide, of the Latin Noted Missal
Parts EPB-24 through EPB-25 of the English Performing Temporale
Part ESA-14 of the English Scholarly Psalter
Part ESB-1 of the English Scholarly Temporale
November 2016
Indices for the Latin Missal
Kalendar 2017
October 2016
The Obit Kalendar of Salisbury Cathedral (in ‘More Documents’)
September 2016
Sarum Tones for the Officium (file and discussion; in Companion to Missal)
July 2016
Part 4, Lent, of the Latin Noted Missal
Parts EPB-22 through EPB-23 of the English Performing Temporale
Part ESA-12 and ESA-13 of the English Scholarly Psalter
January 2016
Part 3, Epiphany, and Kyriale of the Latin Noted Missal
Parts EPB-19 through EPB-21 of the English Performing Temporale
Parts ESA-10 and ESA-11 of the English Scholarly Psalter
November 2015
New edition of the English Scholarly Psalter with diacritical pointing.
October 2015
New edition of the English Performing Psalter with diacritical pointing.
Revised English Performing Psalter with numerical pointing.
The Psalter from the American Book of Common Prayer 1928 pointed to the Latin Psalm Tones by Jeffrey Cooper (in ‘More Documents’).
Ordinale Sarisburiense : A Transliteration of BL Harley 1001, FOLIOS 1R – 116V.
Fascicule 1: Folios 1R – 54V. Ad Horas: Temporale. Edited by John Allen Hackney (in ‘More Documents’).
August 2015
Venitare in the King James Version, prepared by Stephen Gallagher (in ‘More Documents’).
Indices for the Latin Breviary
July 2015
Advent and Christmas–the beginning of the Latin Noted Missal
Parts EPB-17 through EPB-18 of the English Performing Temporale
Parts ESA-07 through ESA-09 of the English Scholarly Psalter
March 2015
Revised D-2: Toni Psalmorum
Added D-3: Toni Versiculorum
January 2015
The final three parts of the Latin Sanctorale (C-10 through C-12). This marks the completion of the Latin Noted Breviary, less the indices and Accentuarius (first begun in 2006).
Parts EPB-14 through EPB-16 of the English Performing Temporale
Parts ESA-04 through ESA-06 of the English Scholarly Psalter
Sound files for the Latin Sanctorale, September through November (C-10 through C-12)
(There are now over 2000 sound files available)
December 2014
Sound files for the Latin Sanctorale, July (C-08)
November 8, 2014
Gloria Patri for the Officium (Introit) at Mass added.
November 1, 2014
This new site is live.
English Performing Venitare (D-1) revised.
August-October 2014
Parts A-1 through A-13 of the Latin Psalter revised
Parts B-1 and B-2 of the Latin Temporale revised.
Part D-1 of the Latin Toni Communes revised
July-October 2014
Construction of this new web-site; transfer of all files to MacSphere Institutional Repository.
July 2014
Parts C-07 through C-09 (June, July, August) of the Latin Sanctorale
Parts EPA-19, and EPA-20 added to the English Performing Breviary.
Parts ESA-01, ESA-02, and ESA-03 added to the English Scholarly Breviary.
Parts EPA-01 through EPA-09 of the English Performing Breviary revised.
May 2014
The Sarum Sequentiarium in Latin.
Sarum Calendar 2015
January 2014
Parts C-04 through C-06 (March, April, May) of the Latin Sanctorale
Parts A-14, A-17, and A-18 added to the English Performing Breviary.
Sound files for the Latin Sanctorale, March and May
December 2013
Sound files for the Latin Sanctorale, August
November 2013
Sarum Liturgical Kalendar for the year 2014.
Corrected pagination for the English Psalter, Parts 1-13.
September 2013
Revised and corrected pointing for the English Psalter, Parts 1-11 and 13.
August 2013
Sound files are now being added to the site.
July 2013
Revised Latin Venitare and Toni Psalmorum, Parts D-1 and D-2.
The English Temporale, Parts B-10 through B-13.
The Latin Sanctorale, Parts 1-3 (December through February).
June 2013
The English Psalter, Parts 1-13 revised.
May, 2013
The Sarum Hymnal in English (draft edition).
March, 2013
English Venitare, Psalm Tones and Kalendar added. Psalter corrected.
January 2013
Sarum Liturgical Kalendar for the year 2013.
The Latin Psalter including the Common of Saints completed.
Christmastide added to the English Temporale.
October 2012
Corrected versions of the Latin Psalter files.
July 2012
Sarum English Performing Graduale beta.
Indonesian version of Sarum Compline, prepared by Emil Salim.
English Temporale: Advent; Latin: Common of Saints (first half) (A-17 through 20).
May 2012
The Martirology in English.
April 2012
Compline in contemporary English, prepared by Emil Salim.
February 2012
Gregorian Settings of the Ordinary of the Roman Missal, 2010.
The first instalments of the English Breviary Noted are published.
January 2006
The first instalments of this project, The Latin Breviary Noted, are published.