Invit. Let us adore the King [:29]
H Twin lamps, adorning (I) [:37]
H Twin lamps, adorning (IV) [:47]
A1 John, the Apostle and Evangelist [:32]
A2 Reclining on the breast [:27]
A3 Like one of the rivers [:37]
R1 Greatly to be honoured [1:37]
R2 This is the disciple [1:46]
R3 This is that John 3:12]
R3 This is that John (Octave day, Sunday) [2:27]
A4 Into a vat [:28]
A5 On account of his stedfast persistence [:41]
A6 There came out to meet blessed John [:47]
R4 In that day shall I take thee up [1:40]
R5 Behold my servant [1:24]
R6 The Lord appeared [3:15]
A7 The Lord Jesus Christ appeared [:40]
A8 Lifting up his hands [:50]
A9 O Lord, receive me [1:25]
R7 So if I will have him to remain [1:26]
R8 Now Jesus loved him [1:54]
R9 In the midst of the church [:]
A1 This is that disciple [:17]
A2 This is my disciple [:14]
A3 Behold my servant [:21]
A4 There are some of them that stand here [:19]
A5 So I will have him to remain [:23]
A This is that John [:41]
Memorial of S. Stephen
A Devout men [:18]
R Their sound hath gone forth [:56]
R Thou shalt make them [:58]
R Thy friends O God [1:02]
A In the midst of the church [:59]
Procession of the Boys
R An hundred and forty four thousand; Prose: Seated in the majesty [4:15]
A O thou Head of the Church [:7]
V Our help is in the name [:52]
Memorial of the Innocents
A The innocent infants [:44]