The Breviary contains all the hours of worship throughout the day, known as the Office: Matins, Lauds, Prime, Terce, Sext, None, Vespers, and Compline.
There are currently three versions of the Office on this site. The Latin edition represents the original liturgy. The two English editions adapt the text and music to the English language.
The Front Matter contains an introduction as well as a table of contents and the Kalendar. The common parts of the Office, used on a daily or weekly basis, are found in the Psalter. The proper parts pertaining to the weeks and seasons of the year are found in the Temporale. The proper parts pertaining to saints days and special feasts are found in the Sanctorale.
The Office is a highly complex but incredibly rich system of daily prayer. See Using the Sarum Rite today for suggestions on how to approach the material.
Latin Breviary
English Performing Breviary
English Scholarly Breviary
Entry of the Clerks into the Quire, and departure (NCC-LE:2; Use of Sarum I:14) The Clerks should enter the Quire in order; entering from the east [that is, from the north doorway or the south doorway], at the step they should bow to the Altar, and afterward to the Bishop if present; entering from the west, at the step they should bow to the Altar, and afterward to the Dean. Upon leaving they should follow the same instructions.